The new Introduction to Pathways video begins by asking the questions churches will ask themselves, as they consider participation in the new EPA Conference initiative to help congregations envision and work toward forging a more vital, hopeful future.

Church welcomes neighbors into its ‘spiritual home’
“Welcome Home.” One sees that greeting written down at First UMC in Media and on its website. But now members are also saying it more, as they welcome new and diverse attendees to join them in worship and ministry. The …
Step into PATHWAYS, now available on EPA’s website
Pathways to Congregational Fruitfulness & Health offers a menu of intentional processes congregations can use to prepare, assess, learn and grow in their understanding of what it means to be a healthy, fruitful congregation. It is a timely resource, especially …

Churches offer healing ministries through GriefShare groups
Grieving the death of a loved one can become a healing journey when shared with others, and at least two United Methodist churches in Eastern PA are helping members and neighbors to take that journey together. Grove UMC in West …