Watch the recording. Many congregations and faith communities have taken the opportunity to think differently about worship and mission during COVIDtide. For many people with disabilities, this has given new occasions to involved in new ways. Join us for a …
Ministerio de Niños en Tiempo de Pandemia/Ministry of Children in Time of Pandemic
Watch the recording. Participants will learn how to reach out to children in creative ways, despite the current reality of the COVID-19 pandemic. Los participantes aprenderan a alcanzar a los ninos con nuestra realidad, tecnología, este taller será presentado de …
Life on Life Discipleship
Watch the recording. Jesus doesn’t call us to make church members. He calls us to make disciples. We will see how Jesus trained his disciples, and how we can use his principles to make disciples today. We will look at …
Justice for Our Neighbors: Supporting and Volunteering with Immigrant Legal Ministry
Watch the recording. Learn about JFON and opportunities to help this UMC-led ministry serve low income and rural immigrants in need of affordable legal assistance. With sites across the U.S., the new JFON of the Delaware Valley serves the Eastern …
Intercultural Competency
Watch the recording. This training is designed to increase the intercultural competency of attendees and help them deepen their understanding of relationship dynamics, especially in diverse cultural communities. Implicit bias and self-awareness will be briefly explored. Participants will also examine …
Getting Out While Staying In: Volunteers in Mission COVID Edition
Watch the recording. This workshop will show how the work of UM Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) continues in these pandemic times, and why your participation is vital. Presenter: Re. Russell J. Atkinson is the Pastor of Drexel Hill UMC, having …
Fundraising for Special Projects
Watch the recording. Participants will explore fundraising opportunities to support special projects. Presenter: The Rev. Jason Perkowski is a pastor and a graduate of the Financial Leadership Academy of the Mid-Atlantic Foundation and has led churches in financial stewardship to …
Engaging the Whole Congregation
Watch the recording. Imagine a church where disciples abound – where everyone in the pews on Sunday morning is a critical part of the life of the church. Imagine a variety of people serving in the kitchen, talking through hard …
Church Marketing for Beginners
Watch the recording. This course will cover topics for those that are just dipping their toes in the waters of taking their churches online through social media channels like Facebook, staying in touch with members using email, and promoting your …
Christopher Columbus: It’s Time to Know the Truth! Helping your church to learn the true story of Indigenous People
Watch the video. History is composed of self-told stories; so it can never be totally unbiased. Most of the stories we hear about Europeans “discovering” America are told from the European point of view. One key to overcoming racism involves …