* * * * 2022 CLERGY INTERVIEWS * * * *
South District Clergy Interviews began on June 15 and will continue until August 25. Like last year, the interviews are individual, require 45 minutes, and are on Zoom. However, if you would prefer an in-person interview with the DS, one can be scheduled at the EPAUMC Conference office in Valley Forge. Clergy Profile forms are only available on the new Ministry Financials Portal. Clergy Profiles must be completed for the DS’s review at least 5 days prior to the date of your interview. Please contact DRA Deb Boyd immediately if you need assistance or further information (dboyd@epaumc.church).
The South District’s Charge Conferences will be conducted in-person with Mission Link churches coming together at one central location, as follows:
- OXFORD – Saturday, October 1, 8:30 AM at West Grove UMC
- PHOENIXVILLE– Saturday, October 8, 8:30 AM at Phoenixville: First UMC
- PROSPECT – Sunday, October 9, 12:30 PM at Prospect Park: Prospect UMC
- READING– Saturday, October 15, 8:30 AM at West Lawn UMC
- ROUTE 202/ROUTE 1 CORRIDOR – Sunday, October 16, 12:30 PM at Elam UMC
- BLUE ROUTE/DREXEL HILL – Saturday, October 22, 8:30 AM at Broomall: St. Mark’s UMC
- WEST CHESTER – Saturday, October 29, 8:30 AM at West Chester UMC
- COATESVILLE/DOWNINGTOWN – Saturday, November 5, 8:30 AM at Hopewell UMC
- WEST PHILADELPHIA – Saturday, November 12, 8:30 AM at Wharton-Wesley UMC
- ROUTE 352 CORRIDOR – Sunday, November 13, 2:00 PM at Lima UMC
- WESTERN MAINLINE – Sunday, November 20, 12:30 PM at Valley Forge: St. Matthew’s UMC
- EASTERN MAINLINE – Saturday, December 3, 8:30 AM at Ardmore UMC
- PARKESBURG – Sunday, December 4, 12:30 PM at Parkesburg UMC
- POTTSTOWN – Saturday, December 10, 8:30 AM at Cedarville UMC
Charge Conference Report forms will be available on August 1, online at the new Ministry Financials Portal. All reports will be due on September 15, 2022.