Gifts of financial support as DS Morton assumes his position of leadership development manager in the Eastern PA Conference
The initial response to our Farewell Offering in thanksgiving for the service of our District Superintendent over the past four years has gone amazingly well: more than $5,000.00 received during the event at Jim Thorpe: Grace-St Paul on June 15, plus checks received in the North District office in Valley Forge.
THANK YOU, pastors and congregations!
Remember: these dollars will seed the first-year programmatic ministry of the brand new office of Leadership Development on our Conference staff, the three-quarter time appointment to which Superintendent Morton is moving on July 1.
This appeal for leadership training/program support will continue though the next month, in case your congregation hasn’t yet had a chance to response. Contributions may be mailed to our North District office in Valley Forge, or gifted through a special addition to the June or July monthly remittance. Or, alternatively, you could send your check(s) to the Conference Treasurer, made payable to EPAUMC with the notation on the memo line that it is to go towards the Leadership Development Office. The address is EPAUMC, Attn: Conference Treasurer, PO Box 820, Valley Forge, PA 19482.