May 27, 2021

Each year conference members and churches give to special offerings to help fund Eastern PA Annual Conference higher education scholarships, Board of Ordained Ministry scholarships for clergy education, Camps and Retreat Centers, and Youth Ministries. Because our Annual Conference met online and not in-person in 2020 and 2021, those offerings relied on mail-in and online donations. Thus, giving to them has declined significantly.

But the need for this support is as great as ever. So, we are inviting all to continue giving to support these worthy causes through our website’s giving portal throughout the year. We will promote and accept gifts online (and by mail) to support our college students, clergy, campers and youth in the hope that you will give generously and encourage others to do so, too. Thank you!


Please support our college and university students by giving to help fund Eastern PA Conference Higher Education Scholarships. DONATE now.