A free, virtual, three-day visit to Rwanda, Kenya, and India awaits you on three mornings this week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 22-24, from 9:30 to 11:00 AM each day. Start the next three days off with Morning Mission Adventures, where you can learn and fall in love with the children and the lifesaving work of Zoe Empowers.
International mission trips are the heartbeat of some of our strongest, most transformational local churches – but in this past year of severe COVID-related restrictions, travel – and even making plans to travel – just hasn’t happened.
Good news: You DON’T have to miss out on this ministry joy, completely! The Eastern PA Conference is partnering with ZOE Empowers, an organization which in 2021 introduced VIRTUAL Mission trips in order to introduce folks to its incredible, international program of serving children in poverty.
ZOE’s entire approach is based on “Empowerment, not Hand-outs” – and it has demonstrated success among more than 100,000 children of the world, so far.
A free, three-day visit to Rwanda, Kenya, and India awaits you on the mornings of June 22-24 (9:30-11:00 am each day). Learn more…