A brief, online special session of the Eastern PA Annual Conference approved a suspension of conference rules on Sunday, April 18, agreeing to hold the full conference business session, scheduled for May 21, by video conference on Zoom once again, as it did in 2020. The special session, held on Zoom at 3 PM, lasted about 30 minutes. The final vote tally was: Yes: 442; No: 2. Abstain: 2. The four District Conferences met online afterward at 4 PM.
While the Annual Conference business session is scheduled for May 21, the annual Clergy Session and Laity Session will both happen May 20. And the annual Memorial Service and Service of Commissioning and Ordination will both take place May 22 onsite at Olivet UMC in Coatesville. All sessions and services will be livestreamed and viewable on the conference’s Facebook page.