The Global Ministries Team was just formed to combine the work of three conference committees: the Health and Healing Council, the Mission Committee, and the Church and Society Work Team. Why? Because there is a natural connection between health, missions, and social action. Health in the U.S. is connected to global health, as we have clearly seen in the COVID-19 pandemic. The right of every person to have access to affordable health care is a justice issue, as well as a goal of our mission work internationally. Peace with Justice Grants, which were administered by the Church and Society Work Team, are available to churches to develop ministries related to health for all people and social action on many justice issues.
The Wellspring newsletter, published since 2015 by the Health and Healing Council, will now become the voice of the Global Ministries Team which has the following goals:
- To connect churches to the resources of the General Board of Global Ministries and the General Board of Church and
- To cultivate church giving through Advance Specials for mission projects, missionaries, and the work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
- To coordinate the itineration visits of missionaries and encourage churches to develop covenant relationships with missionaries.
- To encourage church participation in ministries of mercy and justice that meet human needs in their
- To help churches develop abundant health
- To promote attendance at Mission u and trainings on justice
- To administer the EPC Peace with Justice