Historic St. George’s UMC in Philadelphia’s Old City, will host two special historical events on two Saturdays in March:
Methodism Comes to America: the Bristol Connection
David Worthington, Director of Global Relationships for John Wesley’s New Room in Bristol, England, will visit Historic St. George’s March 9 to speak about what is considered the cradle of the worldwide Methodist movement. Founded by John Wesley in 1739, the New Room is the oldest Methodist chapel in the world.
The 2-hour event will begin at 10:30 a.m. with refreshments. The Eastern PA and Greater New Jersey conferences’ Historical Societies are cosponsors of this free event, with support from the General Commission on Archives and History and a free-will offering. To register use this form or contact Mark Shenise at mshenise@gcah.org.
‘It’s Time Traveler Time!’
Immerse yourself in Methodist history on Saturday, March 16, at Historic St. George’s United Methodist Church’s Time Traveler event. Come enjoy a dramatization of Methodist history that will broaden and deepen your understanding of our denomination’s DNA, as well as the larger faith community.
Professional actors help tell the important stories of this “Cradle of American Methodism.” It’s an ideal adventure for youth confirmation classes. This year all participants will experience content previously presented in small groups. Doors open at 10 a.m. Program begins at 10:30. Learn more, and register to attend before space fills up. Contact mona@historicstgeorges.org.