This training is intentionally designed for clergy and congregations serving in a cross-racial/cross-cultural ministry context or wanting to engage the racially and ethnically diverse community around them more effectively. By increasing the level of intercultural competency, deepening the understanding of relationship dynamics, and being equipped with practical communication tools, clergy and congregations will become more intentional and effective in their ministry.
To that end, the expected outcomes to this workshop are as follows:
- Participants will reflect biblically and theologically why we are engaged in CR/CC ministry creating the foundation for ministry in our diverse world.
- Participants will grow in their self awareness, especially in terms of their racial/cultural realities and experiences.
- Participants will learn and understand concepts regarding effective cross-racial/cross-cultural interaction and communication, and will be able to apply these concepts to their own contexts.
- Participants will be equipped with a common language that will foster a deeper and greater sense of team-building and community.
- Participants will be able to strategize and plan in order to increase Intercultural competency for the building ofGod’s beloved community
Zoom Session: 9:00am-12:30pm
The Zoom invitation for the day will be sent several days prior to the date of the workshop.
REGISTRATION CLOSES AUGUST 10, 2020. Register online now!