If you’ve called your EPA Conference Office recently you may have noticed improved phone service. In January we moved to a better, more stable, more functional phone system with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. Our extensions are based on names instead of numbers; and staff can access phone calls and voicemail from wherever they are working.
We are excited to announce that the Eastern PA Conference office has officially migrated to an Office 365 environment as of Friday, April 8. The most important and visible aspect of this migration are new email extensions for our staff. The names remain the same, but rather than the current “epaumc.org” domain, we now use “epaumc.church” as our email domain (i.e., jfielding@epaumc.church). This will not affect the local church email addresses assigned several years ago by the conference.
As we transition to our new email address domain, we ask for everyone to ensure that our epaumc.church addresses are in your approved senders list so that our messages can get through to you.
Changing to the Office 365 environment allows us to remain up-to-date and relevant with cutting-edge productivity and security. As technology changes, so do our systems. It also allows us to move our work to a secure, monitored cloud server, eliminating the need for costly hardware that must be maintained and kept up to date in addition to utilizing space in the office. The change will provide more robust email functionality and improved security.