We have received word of the death of the Rev. Thomas Evans Anderman, Retired Elder, who died August 19, 2022.
He began as a Local Pastor in 1946, became a Deacon in 1951 and then an Elder in Full Connection in 1953. He served faithfully until his retirement in 1992.
Rev. Anderman served the following churches in the Eastern PA Conference prior to retirement:
- Philadelphia: Iglesia Metodista Un Espiritu Sa
- Philadelphia: Juniata Park
- Lancaster: Community
- Lebanon: Centenary
- Lebanon
- Philadelphia: Rehoboth
- Cornwells Heights: Cornwells
- Spring City: Bethel
- Cumbola Circuit: Cumbola, New Philadelphia and Middleport
His obituary is shared here: https://www.wmhclarkfuneralhome.com/obituary/rev-thomas-anderman
Rev. Anderman, who was preceded in death by his wife Carol, is survived by four children: Clarita A. Krall of Philadelphia (the Rev. Stanley J. Krall, retired UMC Pastor), Mark J. Anderman (Doris) of Williamsport PA, the Rev. James D. Anderman of Palmyra, PA (Pastor of First UMC of Palmyra), and Lynea Anderman of Parkside PA; nine grandchildren (including the Rev. Lorelei Krall Toombs, Pastor of Willow Grove UMC); fifteen great-grandchildren; and ten nieces and nephews (including the Rev. Timothy C. Anderman, Senior Pastor of West Grove UMC, West Grove PA).
A funeral service is planned for Saturday, August 27th at Stroudsburg United Methodist Church (547 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360) at 11 AM. Visiting hours will start at 9:30 AM. The Rev. Monica Guepet, Pastor, will officiate. A luncheon at the church will follow immediately.
The funeral service will be livestreamed at the following link: https://youtu.be/x–WB0AnnmU
Interment will be the following Tuesday, August 30th at 12 noon at Schuylkill Memorial Park, Schuylkill Haven. A memorial service at the Simpson House the Jane Henry Chapel at Simpson House on September 1 at 10 AM.
Condolences may be sent to the family in care of Clarita Anderman Krall, 611 East Sedgwick Street, Philadelphia PA 19119-1329.
Memorial gifts may be sent to Simpson House, 2101 Belmont Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131, designated for the Benevolent Care Fund.