Financial Support is available for college and seminary students that have been approved by an Eastern Pennsylvania congregation or District Committee of Ordained Ministry or Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. Students must be attending an accredited college or seminary. The grants are contingent upon a candidate being ordained by and serving within the bounds of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference. If an individual received a grant and fails to be ordained or serve within the conference bounds, the grant (s) shall revert to a loan and be paid back over a five-year period of time unless other arrangements have been made.

To be eligible, an application must be completed and sent to the treasurer of the Board of Ordained Ministry, Mrs. Sheri Kentner, 110 Beechwood Terrace, Pottstown, PA 19465 [C] 610-715-7784, email:

College and Seminary Grant Application Form

Grants shall be given based upon need and the following guidelines:

College Student per semester:

  • Quarter time up to $750
  • Half time up to $1000
  • Three Quarter time up to $1,125
  • Full time up to $1250
  • Applicants must maintain a 2.5 grade point average to receive continued funding

Seminary Student per semester:

Other Financial Support for Candidates for the Ordained Ministry

There are funding scholarship possibilities through a number of other sources. Several of these sources are:

  • The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry,