Board of Ordained Ministry
Chairperson: Rev. Gary Knerr & Rev. Johnson Dodla
Report submitted by: Barbara E. Drake, Secretary
Phone: (610) 446-1394
Date submitted: 03/29/2019
Recent Events & Activities
- Prepared for and participated in interviews of candidates for ministry and voted on approval.
- Sent thank you messages to clergy in extension ministries.
- Voted on approval of clergy requests for retirement.
- Received dates and topics for sexual ethics training.
- Received information about anti-racism training for young clergy.
- Discussed details of pilot project on 8 year assessment of clergy.
- Received names of persons certified as candidates by the District Committees on Ministry.
- Received updates from the committees working on Residency in Ministry Program, Vocational Intern Program, Transfers and On-Loan Requests, Seminary Visitation, Conference Relations, Pastoral Care, and Exploration Events.
- Received reports on the activities of the Order of Elders, Order of Deacons, Local Pastors Licensing School, Certified Lay Minister Training, Board of Laity, Cabinet, and Director of Connectional Ministries.
- Reviewed updated guidelines and checklists for the Candidates’ Handbook.
Upcoming Events & Activities
April 9 – Will attend part of the preaching event at West Lawn UMC.
Will be preparing for Ordination Service.