Prison Ministry and Restorative Justice
Chairperson: Marilyn Schneider
Report submitted by: Marilyn Schneider
Phone: (610) 578-0446
Date submitted: 07/19/2021
Recent Events & Activities
- Provided Tools for ministry workshop on March 13: “Prison Ministry and Restorative Justice: Hearing the Stories”. Workshop featured 3 speakers sharing their stories of their experiences with the criminal justice system, including a formerly incarcerated, now returned citizen, an individual who ministers to the incarcerated from the outside, and an individual who can share her experience with restorative justice programs.
- Working on revision of our team’s webpage on the conference website to make it up to date, with readily accessible info and resources.
Upcoming Events & Activities
Will be providing Healing Communities Training, cosponsored with the West Chester Mission Link.
Training to occur via ZOOM over 3 sessions
- Tuesday, September 21, 6:30-8:30 PM
- Saturday, September 25, 8:30 am-12:30 pm
- Tuesday, September 28, 6:30-8:30 PM
This training is a great way to learn how congregations can be more supportive of those who are incarcerated and their families, as well as returning citizens.
Attendees who complete all 3 ZOOM sessions, along with the required out of class work, will be eligible to receive 1.0 CEU
Our healing communities training is cosponsored by the West Chester Mission Link
- Download: Healing Communities Flyer (.docx download)