Prison Ministry and Restorative Justice
Chairperson: Marilyn Schneider
Report submitted by: Marilyn Schneider
Phone: (610) 578-0446
Date submitted: 02/12/2021
Recent Events & Activities
- Successfully provided Healing Communities Training via 3, 2hr ZOOM sessions (Oct 21, 24, 28) to 22 attendees representing 10 churches.
- Worked with Hopewell UMC to promote SCI Coal Township Inmate Art Show, held on Nov 14
- Delivered nearly 4700 Christmas cards with encouraging messages to a total of 15 facilities for distribution to imnates this year.
Upcoming Events & Activities
- Tools for ministry workshop for March 13: “Prison Ministry and Restorative Justice: Hearing the Stories”. Workshop to feature 3 speakers sharing their stories of their experiences with the criminal justice system, including a formerly incarcerated, now returned citizen, an individual who ministers to the incarcerated from the outside, and an individual who can share her experience with restorative justice programs.