Taking church to the world: Live-streaming, ZOOM and online giving

In a Zoom video-conference Thursday, March 19, at 10 AM, the Eastern PA Conference will offer church leaders how-to instructions for transporting worship from the sanctuary into the home…electronically. The video/audio chat session is sponsored by the South District but open to …

‘Our God, Our Help in Ages Past’

(A pastoral message. Adapted script from Bishop’s video message, March 17, 2020) By Bishop Peggy A. Johnson “Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.  Before the mountains were brought forth, or before you formed the earth and …

Orar sin cesar – Palabras del obispo Peggy Johnson

Saludos. El Señor Dios declara: “  si mi pueblo, sobre el cual se invoca mi nombre, se humilla y ora, y busca mi rostro, y se aparta de sus malos caminos, yo lo escucharé desde los cielos, perdonaré sus pecados y …

Una carta pastoral del obispo Peggy A. Johnson

Una paz que supera el entendimiento Les saludo en el nombre del Señor Jesucristo y les sostengo en mis oraciones durante este tiempo de crisis en la vida de nuestra iglesia, nuestro país y el mundo en muchos niveles. En …

In a time of crisis, reassurance without fear

Church attendance and participation in Bible study and Sunday school classes “are by far the most common forms of social activity among older adults,” said the Rev. Richard H. Gentzler Jr…

Resources, ideas to protect worshipers from coronavirus

By John W. Coleman Churches are planning and taking steps to protect themselves from the spread of the potentially deadly coronavirus by revamping their worship and fellowship practices. All persons, especially those who are elderly or have vulnerable medical conditions, …