Urban Ministry Awards Go to 4 Community-Engaged Churches

In describing the urban ministry challenge today, the Rev. Evelyn Kent Clark, Eastern PA Conference Dean of the Cabinet, may have turned iconic author Charles Dickens’ most famous opening line into a call for mission evangelism. “We think these are …

Ministry that Transcends Hatred and Discrimination

The United Methodist Church’s General Conference voted May 1 to approve a resolution condemning racial-ethnic discrimination and gender-based violence against Asian Americans. Submitted by the New Federation of Asian American United Methodists, the resolution condemns increasing discrimination against racial-ethnic minorities, especially …

Churches honor Black History Month in special ways

A number of Eastern PA churches, especially in Philadelphia, saved the best for last by culminating their Black History Month celebrations on the last Sunday of February. There were oral and visual presentations of African diaspora history and culture, remarkable …

EPA’s takes steps on its Path Towards Wholeness

The Eastern PA (EPA) and Greater New Jersey (GNJ) conferences share a common goal and collaborative strategies to End the Sin of Racism*. While GNJ calls its endeavor a Journey of Hope, for EPA it’s “A Path Towards Wholeness,” the …