When the worst happens, what do we do? It does happen; we hear the news stories. Maybe it has happened to you or someone you know. Come learn what to do and how we in the EPAUMC, are prepared to respond.
Presenters: Rev. Dr. Truman Brooks and Rev. Allen Keller, Eastern PA Conference I-Care Team Members. Deacon Allan Keller is a Deacon at West Chester UMC, a chaplain for 7 years at the A.I. duPont Hospital for Children, a longtime youth ministry leader. Rev. Dr. Truman Brooks, is Pastor of the UMC of West Chester and has a post-graduate certificate in Marriage, Family and Sex Therapy, plus a D. Min. in Family Ministry. A member of the ICARE Team for 14 years, he has taught pastoral care for our Local Pastors School, Wesley Seminary, and Kenya.