Wesley hymn devotions for Lent and Easter
Charles Wesley wrote hymns for Easter, but none specifically for Lent. Among his more than 6,000 hymns however, are many that lift up themes appropriate for Lent and Easter.
These devotions use hymns of Charles Wesley to help us reflect on the grace of God offers to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Learn more…
What is Maundy Thursday?
Maundy Thursday is an alternate name for Holy Thursday, the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus. The English word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, which means “commandment.” Learn more…
Why is Good Friday called ‘good’?
Does it seem ironic that one of the most tragic days in Christian history is called Good Friday? The New Testament describes a day of suffering that ends in Jesus’ crucifixion, events that sound like anything but good.
In this short video from The United Methodist Church, learn the 3rd century history behind the phrase, as well as how remembering this day moves us to the hope of Easter. Learn more…
Dismantling Racism: Lent devotions by our bishops
The Council of Bishops invites the people of The United Methodist Church to a season of introspection and self-examination. Together we confess and fast from the sin of racism, discrimination, oppression and exclusion and feast on the beauty and blessing of the diversity of God’s Church.
Each week of Lent and every day of Holy Week, a United Methodist Bishop offers a short devotion. The 15-minute recorded devotions continue every day during Holy Week. Watch devotionals.
These times of reflection challenge and inspire us to follow Jesus through the wilderness, alienation, betrayal and even death. Along the way, we confront the sin of racism, renew our faith, and remember the promise of Easter—that redemption, reconciliation and liberation is possible.
In 2020, the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church vowed to focus intently on dismantling racism in the church and the world. This Lenten devotional series is another step in the journey of repentance, reconciliation and action in which we invite the whole church to participate.
Walking while Black
The Journey of Simon of Cyrene and the Struggle of Black Males Today
The Rev. Henry Masters, publisher of By Faith magazine, will moderate on Zoom a Good Friday teaching experience that explores the biblical story of Simon of Cyrene and “the Struggle of Black Males Today.”
The dialogue will happen on Friday, Apr 2, at 11:30 AM. His guests will include Bishop Alfred Johnson, (retired) Visiting Professor of Urban Leadership at New York Theological Seminary and the Rev. Peter Mageto, Acting Vice Chancellor of Africa University in Zimbabwe.
Also participating will be:; the Rev. Robin Dease, a District Superintendent in the South Carolina Conference, and the Rev. C. Anthony Hunt, a pastor, professor, and leadership coach in Baltimore, Md.
Lessons from Simon of Cyrene’s story (the cross bearer of Jesus who was the only African eyewitness to the crucifixion):
1. African presence in the Bible: Reflections on Simon of Cyrene.
2. Becoming aware of how your story connects with God’s story.
3. What others do for harm, God turns to good.
4. Know and appreciate our legacy of cross bearing (reflections on The Cross and the Lynching Tree by the Rev. James Cone).
Register online to participate. To order Dr. Masters’ book Simon of Cyrene ($10) email revhenry1114@gmail.com or call (323) 893-3518.
Watch the Easter Sunday Virtual Choir
From UM Discipleship Ministries: Watch and listen as hundreds of United Methodists from across the globe join together to sing “Thine Be The Glory.” This amazing experience brought together over 400 singers from around the world, proving that even in the midst of a pandemic we are still united.
Please feel free to download the video below for use in your Easter services. And don’t forget to share and post the video to social media! “Thine Be the Glory” is #308 in The United Methodist Hymnal. Click here for more information on this hymn.
Also, Watch and download the 2020 Worldwide Easter Sunday Virtual Choir singing Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.