Dismantling Racism: As you prepare to lead your church through this Advent season, prayerfully consider incorporating this theme into your preaching and teaching while adapting any of the following elements for use in your context. This Advent resource was prepared by the Eastern PA Conference Connectional Ministries Office, incorporating a similar resource created by the UMC Council of Bishops.
It features timely Scriptures from Lectionary Year C from the Gospel according to Luke. Included are a season prayer and theme-related song, from “O Holy Night,” verse 3. A key line from that song is highlighted: “And in his name all oppression shall cease.”
In the spirit of Advent and what churches are called to do in anticipation of Christ’s coming, the four weeks are themed: “We Watch,” “We Prepare,” “We Act” and “We Rejoice.” Each week emphasizes a particular racial injustice concern in our society and invites us to “Learn,” “Watch,” “Pray” and “Act.”
“We hope churches will make good use of this helpful resource, as together we continue to commit ourselves to dismantling racism in our church and society,” said the Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Director of Connectional Ministries, who composed EPAUMC’s portion of the blended resource. “We pray that our churches will discover deeper and broader dimensions of Christ’s mission and message for us, as we seek to make disciples for the transformation of the world.” Get the resource…