The West District has been aiding the lifesaving global mission efforts of one of its own, the Rev. Dorcas Kamanda, as she creates the much-needed Children’s Village and NarSarah Clinic to serve potentially thousands who were orphaned by civil war and Ebola in her native village in Sierra Leone.
“We have been extremely successful,” reports District Resource Assistant Kristin Reifsnyder, citing the donation and delivery of 10 barrels of requested medication, clothing and toys since collections began in March 2017. (Several churches have also sent barrels on their own.) “Now we would like to start sending more in this new year.”
The district presented Kamanda with a check for $2,038 in late September 2018 for supplies and medication needed for the Village. The funds, which came from church and district offerings and direct donations over the past two years, also helped pay for barrels and shipping costs. But with funds depleted, the district is eager to collect and eventually send more, Reifsnyder said.
More of the blue, 55-gallon plastic barrels with removable lids, which cost about $50 each, are needed, along with supplies to fill them and help with the shipping costs of $150 per barrel. If anyone knows of a better deal for buying barrels contact the district.
Here is a list of needed items for the clinic:
- Surgical equipment for minor surgeries;
- Over-the-counter drugs and children’s vitamins;
- Medications for pain, infections, diarrhea, colds and prenatal/post-natal illnesses.
Here is a list of needed items for the Childen’s Village:
- New children’s clothes, including socks and underwear;
- Shoes, especially tennis shoes for children ages 4 to 10;
- Soccer balls.
They also need a new well to address water needs, solar panels to meet increased energy demands, a playground and a school bus as numbers increase. Contact Reifsnyder at the West District Office for information and donations at 717-569-9673 or at