St. Paul’s UMC Montville offers community their best at their election day Soup Sale

The leadership of St. Paul’s UMC tasked the congregation with an urgent need– raise money to sustain the ministry of the church.
The members of St. Paul’s UMC responded by offering their best– a recipe for chicken corn soup, a Lancaster county favorite, their time, and the best corn that the county of Lancaster produced that year.
They shucked, blanched, cut, and froze 29 baker’s dozen corn in August. Later they gathered a team to cook a dozen chickens, pick the meat off the bones, and package it for freezing. As the day of the election drew near another team gathered to actually make the soup. It took three days to produce the final product.
The love that they put into the project shown through. They sold out of both soup and sandwiches, and netted a profit of $1,800.
Christ UMC Lansdale Hosts Third Annual Women’s Retreat

On November 1st through 3rd, under a clear blue sky, Christ United Methodist Church held its third annual women’s retreat. Twenty-three women gathered at the Gretna Glen Camp and Retreat Center in Lebanon, PA, for a time of spiritual renewal and warm fellowship. The theme was inspired by a book entitled Known: How Believing Who God Says You Are Changes Everything, by Aubrey Sampson. Speakers shared their perspectives on how the way others see us, and the ways we see ourselves, aren’t always compatible with the ways God sees us, as his beloved children.
The time was spent not only in conversation, but also in contemplation, as the women walked the beautiful grounds, and in service. The women on the retreat decorated Christmas cards for prison inmates. The cards will be distributed as part of the 6,250 Christmas Bags that Liberty Ministries, a prison ministry headquartered in Schwenksville, PA, will hand out to inmates. Everyone who participated was deeply blessed by the experience and is already looking forward to next year!
Salem UMC in Shoemakersville hosts Community Thanksgiving Meal
On Saturday November 16, Salem UMC welcomed 285 friends and neighbors to a community Thanksgiving meal. They cooked 16 turkeys, made 170 lbs. of potato filling, made green beans, corn, rolls, gravy, applesauce, cranberry sauce, snack size candy and deserts as far as the eye could see. It was truly an intergenerational event. Volunteers ranged in age from 3 years old to more than 80. Together everyone helped serve, deliver meals to cars in lot, set up, clean up and provide waiting service to those who ate inside. This year they served more people than they ever had before. We thank God for the faithfulness of Salem UMC who has provided this community meal for over 20 years!
Photo by Jack Niles on Unsplash