Do your church members who work with young people still need to take EPA’s required Safe Sanctuaries training? If you missed the recent online trainings in September and November, you’re in luck. Video recordings and resources provided in those trainings (including policies, needed forms, lists of clearances, etc.) are accessible in Spotlight, EPA’s new online learning management system.
What else is new in Spotlight? The well-attended, October “Ministry with Older Adults with Dementia” book study via Zoom explored Lynn Casteel Harper’s helpful book On Vanishing: Mortality, Dementia and What It Means to Disappear. Harper and the Rev. Karen Bartkowski examined the changing cultural perceptions and understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, offering new wisdom that inspired profound, personal reactions from participants.
Spotlight is winning accolades from many who have used it for online learning and completion of courses for CEUs and certification. Try it out today. Just visit the login/sign-up page at Watch the Spotlight orientation video and view the catalog of available courses. Learn more.