We’re just weeks from the end of Summer Camp at our four Eastern PA Camp and Retreat Centers—which is too soon for many. This has been an historic season after last year’s heartbreaking cancelation. And the families, children and youth, camp staffs and counselors could not be more grateful for what many have enjoyed as “a homecoming.”
The adventures for all ages have included swimming and boating, creative games, archery and other sports, zip lining, rock climbing, music camp, getting up close and personal with animals and critters, roasting marshmallows at dusk, singing and laughing, discovering new talents and abilities, and of course, meeting new friends. And much, much more.
Daily precautions are being taken
Daily precautions are being taken to keep everyone safe. But also, says Gretna Glen director Apryl Miller, “We ask for your continued prayers for the campers and staff as we seek to serve God by serving our campers.”
There are still slots left for more daytime and overnight campers in the few weeks left. So visit the camps’ websites, and register now before it’s too late. And there is still a great need for counselors (and for clergy to serve as guest chaplains).
Camp Innabah needs male counselors for their annual Night Camp the first week of August. (Yes, that means stay up all night to do cool stuff, then sleep much of the day.) Contact counselor Diana Esposito at Diana@grovechurch.org.
At Pocono Plateau Camp & Retreat Center, there is an urgent need for male and female camp counselors for the next two weeks. The lack of counselors has forced them to reduce capacity for some camp sessions, “which means turning away campers,” says Ron Schane, camp director, who pleads. “Please prayerfully consider volunteering a week to foster the spiritual growth of our children and youth.” Contact them at 570.676.3665 or camp@poconoplateau.org.
‘We rejoice in the reopening of all four camps’
“We rejoice in the reopening of all four camps,” says the Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Director of Connectional Ministries. “We thank our churches for such generous giving through and beyond the pandemic, enabling our camps to continue their mission and ministry. Our camps are where disciples are formed and lives are transformed.”
Look for more NEWSpirit coverage of our summer camps in stories and pictures over the next few weeks.