Nov 22, 2021

The Rev. Joy Griffin

The Rev. Joy Griffin (, a Licensed Local Pastor, is the EPAUMC’s new Benefits Support Associate in the Conference Benefits Office, succeeding Madeline Gonzalez-Lopez, who retired Sept. 30 after 15 years of employment.

Griffin spent September training with Lopez to learn the ropes. She has a customer health services background and college education in the sciences, with an interest in research. But she also has long wanted to serve in pastoral ministry, and she now does so as a quarter-time local pastor at Tindley Temple UMC in Philadelphia.

Griffin sometimes leads weekly Bible study and prayer sessions, does member visitation, and helps coordinate scheduling for worship and special events, including funerals, weddings and baptisms. The Philadelphia native, who has a passion for diverse genres of music and art, also attended Janes Memorial UMC where her mother was a member. She has two daughters and five grandchildren, one of whom she had the joy of baptizing.

“When I was 8 I wanted to be a missionary,” she recalls. “I’ve just always wanted to serve people wherever I’ve worked. And I like solving problems and puzzles.” She gets to use both skills in serving EPAUMC clergy and staff who contact her with questions and sometimes problems to solve about their benefits.