Local church leaders should note two important EPA Conference deadlines in January: Jan. 10 for submitting their Shared Ministry Fund payments (formerly Connectional Ministry Fund); and Jan. 31 for submitting their Year-End Statistical Reports.
The Shared Ministry Fund is required giving that is apportioned equitably to all churches to support the numerous, administrative and programmatic ministries and mission endeavors of our Conference and denomination (i.e., the General Church).
The Year-End Statistical Reports are crucial to determining those apportionments and also to assessing the health, development, and leadership and resourcing needs of our congregations. The online system for filing reports, ACSTats, opened December 22 and will close January 31. Churches will need to use a new default password: stat2023@ to initially enter the system, and then change it when prompted. The deadline to submit reports is January 31.
The system is the same as 2023, but one new question, #2g, asks about the number of new members received from closed churches. Find log-on details, training materials and last year’s video training (which is still applicable for this year) here at https://www.epaumc.org/statistics/. Any questions should be directed to Lawrence Lee, EPA Finance Manager, at llee@epaumc.church or 484-762-8209.

To learn more about Statistical Reports, attend the Small-Church Leaders Network’s next meeting on Tuesday, January 9, at 6:30 p.m., via Zoom. EPA’s Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer Jo Fielding will will explain the important need for this information and share best practices in completing the reports. Register and get the Zoom link here: https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=629704&.
Also, read this short article about the meeting from Network co-coordinator the Rev. Denny Emrick:
It’s January, that time of year when church pastors and treasurers sharpen their pencils and exercise their calculator fingers! It’s Statistical Report time. Ugh!! Most pastors and treasurers don’t look forward to Statistical Reports, which must be submitted by January 31.
But these reports are important to our churches and our conference. They’re not simply an exercise that we do to satisfy administrative leaders. They help our conference and each local church share the costs of operations for our connectional ministry together—including the work we do throughout the world as a global denomination (that is, our General Church).
So, our Eastern PA Small Church Network is inviting pastors and treasurers to attend our next bimonthly, one-hour meeting on Tuesday, January 9, at 6:30 p.m., via Zoom. Register and get the Zoom link here: https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=629704&.
Attendees will benefit from some guidance on navigating and completing your 2023 statistical reports. EPA’s Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer Jo Fielding will explain our important need for this information and how it is used. She’ll also share best practices for completing the report and converse with those who tune in. Bring your questions and get answers! The clock is ticking!