Many communities observe Earth Day April 22, and churches may choose to celebrate it on Sunday, April 24. The Sunday closest to Earth Day is when many churches celebrate the Festival of God’s Creation, honoring God’s gracious work in creating the earth and all living things. Many congregations recognize the day in worship; others have special events or projects to observe it.
This weekend is a good time to reflect on the goodness of God’s creation and our human responsibility to steward it through worship, education and action. Want some worship resources for this occasion? Check out UM Discipleship Ministries’ 2021 page, “Worship Resources: ‘For the Creation Waits’.”
Other Creation Care worship resources are also available from Discipleship Ministries. The agency “wants to help you raise your congregation’s awareness of our collective responsibility to care for the creation God has entrusted to us. We believe this is intrinsically connected to our mission to form faithful disciples.” Read more.
Also, learn about UMC agencies’ collaboration in the first net-zero commitment of its kind, including their joint statement, “Our Climate Commitment to Net-Zero Emissions.” The multi-institution joint statement pledges to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the organizations’ ministries, facilities, operations, and investments by 2050. “Net-zero” describes the process by which human-caused greenhouse gas emissions can be balanced, or “netted out”, by removing emissions from the atmosphere.
Also, see other ideas and resources to help your church join the growing and timely Creation Care movement.