Jan 22, 2025 | Sarah Borgstrom Lee

The first United Methodist missionaries went to Tanzania in the 1990’s. Today there are more than 100 congregations spreading faith and love throughout Tanzania. God has been faithful. The United Methodist Church in Tanzania is growing and raising up new leaders to guide the ministry and proclaim the Gospel.  

One leader who is making a difference is Nia. Nia heard the call to proclaim Christ’s love and power in some of the most challenging conditions of a challenging community. There was no running water, her community drew water from a well, and her parishioners walked miles to attend church.  

One day her husband told her that he could no longer support her calling and left her. Last year she received $63 for serving as a pastor. Through the Tanzania Development Fund, you will help to bring 80 clergy salaries up to a living wage for the next two years. When you give to support living wages for pastors in Tanzania, you not only helping to spread faith and love, you are also supporting families.

“The Pastors in Tanzania live out Jesus’ call to go, trusting on God to provide the resources.  Thank you for investing in the future leaders of the United Methodist Church.” Shared EPA & GNJ’s Director of Connectional Ministries, Dawn Taylor-Storm.

Every donation makes a difference. For $1,200 you and your congregation can support a pastor for a year. $600 supports a pastor for six months. $300 supports a pastor for 3 months and $100 will support a pastor for a month.

No gift is too small or too large. We invite you to join in this transformative journey and help make a difference in the lives of our Tanzanian siblings in Christ. Your support and generosity are crucial in making this mission a resounding success.

Go to epaumc.org/fortanzania to learn more or click here to donate today.