After the new episcopal areas were announced, EPA and GNJ sat down together to discuss their hopes and dreams for future collaboration and for their incoming episcopal leader.
“We were dating, now we’re married!” laughed delegates from EPA and GNJ as they sat down together to discuss hopes and dreams for their continued work together and share the qualities that both conferences were looking for in a new bishop.
Over the past three years, EPA and GNJ have shared an episcopal leader and worked collaboratively with each other. The collaboration was born of necessity — an innovative adaptation — to the demands of COVID and the changing denominational landscape. The official announcement that EPA&GNJ would continue in ministry together was as though a page had been turned and a new chapter was beginning. The room overflowed with hope about fresh possibilities.
Rev. Drew Dyson, co-chair of the GNJ delegation, shared: “We are excited about a new season of collaboration and Spirit-breathed work as we journey together as a new episcopal area.”
Rev. Lorelei Toombs, Associate Superintendent for the North-West Region of Eastern Pennsylvania, set the intention. “I want to move into this time in openness. I want to lean in from a place of possibility.”
Krystl Johnson Gauld, a lay delegate from EPA, shared “I’ve always admired the work of GNJ. It’ll be great to bring what they’ve got, and we’ve got to make something magic as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
Youth representatives weighed in with their perspective. Aditya Abraham noticed: “The two groups have similar wants and desires in a bishop, and for mission and ministry.” Alisabeth Guepet shared that she’s excited about “more opportunities for youth to get together and learn together.”
The excitement continued on Friday when the episcopal assignments were announced. Delegates from EPA & GNJ gathered together for the second time in 24 hours to greet their new bishop and her husband, Rev. Raphael Koikoi, with cheers and applause.
Newly-assigned Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi greeted the group warmly. “We’re very excited about coming and being among you. We are excited to see what God will do in and through us, and in spite of us… I know who God is, I know we are going to be doing some really good work together. Because God is in the midst of all of us. We can’t even imagine right now what God is going to do.”
Delegates spoke with the bishop for an hour or so, sharing about the work of EPA&GNJ and each one’s unique stories and needs. Delegates lifted up the need for ongoing healing following the widespread challenges of the last few years. They named each conference’s commitment to anti-racism work and the shared hope to continue nurturing and raising up the next generation of disciples and leaders.
The bishop shared about herself, her interests and hobbies, and her leadership style. “Collaboration is my go-to leadership style; my gut leadership style. It’s better if you get the process right and end up making the wrong decision. I’ve made a lot of wrong decisions and God has fixed them up.”
Delegates left the meeting even more hope-filled than when they entered.
Lenora Thompson, Chair of the Connectional Table, and long-term delegate shared “I was there when she was consecrated. I voted for her. When I heard her answers to a number of questions, I said this is a new day. I am excited that she’s coming to EPA. I believe in collaboration, and I believe it’s gonna be good for us. I think she really wants to know who we are, what we are, and be with us as she leads.”
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Foster III, District Superintendent for the East District, shared “I am hopeful for our new episcopal leader because she is spiritually grounded, has a listening ear, and a heart for people in ministry. I have worked with her on other boards, including BMCR, so I’ve seen her in action.”
The Rev. Monica Guepet, pastor of Stroudsburg UMC, said “I love her energy. The churches in the North District value a relational leader, so, I’m particularly excited for the churches in the North District.”
Rev. Lydia Munoz, clergy delegate, shared that she’s “excited about the energy and the creativity. The great possibility of healing and pastoral presence and a continued commitment to anti-racism.”
Bishop John Schol is also enthusiastic about Bishop Moore-Koikoi’s assignment. “These are exciting times as EPA&GNJ prepare for a transition of episcopal leadership. I am excited that Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi will be your new bishop. Bishop Moore-Koikoi is a gifted leader, is grounded spiritually, enjoys laughing, and is committed to the health and vitality of congregations and ending the sin of racism.”
Welcome Bishop Moore-Koikoi and Rev. Koikoi! We echo the words of blessing spoken last Friday, July 12. “We are overflowing with hope and we are grateful for the gifts you bring to the work set before you. Bishop Moore-Koikoi, we bless you and we will never cease praying for you.”
**Photo Credit: James Lee