The Eastern PA Conference Office is fully re-open as of June 1!
“We are excited to welcome conference members and guests back to our Valley Forge location for business and scheduled meetings,” announced Jo Fielding, Director of Administrative Services, May 13. “We encourage everyone to become vaccinated and observe safety guidelines.”
Staff began returning to the Conference office months ago for several days a week, while still also working from home. Most will begin working onsite three days a week in June, while the office moves to its customary, four-day, summer workweek from June 1 to August 31. The official summer office hours will be Mondays to Thursdays, 7:30 AM to 5 PM.
Due to new CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) guidelines, staff and visitors no longer need to wear masks in the office if they are fully vaccinated from the coronavirus. Unvaccinated persons should continue to wear masks and avoid contact in larger groups.
Fielding invites members and guests to “stop by and see all the changes we made at the beginning of the pandemic, including where your district offices are now located. We can’t wait for you to see how our conference has grown, as we learned new, innovative ways to do ministry over the last year.”
Conference Office Reopening Meeting Guidelines
- Groups of 15 or fewer members can meet in person in Conference Room A; eight or fewer can meeting in Conference Room B. All meetings should be scheduled in advance. Use discretion when meeting in other areas of the building.
- Masks should be worn by attendees when unvaccinated individuals are present.
- Consider online meeting options for high-risk individuals and those who do not feel comfortable being in public. Please carefully consider if meetings need to be done face-to-face. Many meetings really don’t need to be in person at this point, and that is okay!
- Please continue to maintain social distancing (3-6 feet, per local and state guidelines until we update you.). Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer will continue to be available for your use.