With the theme “Come to the Water,” the Eastern PA Conference’s Connectional Ministries will celebrate the ministry of baptism and confirmation in our Annual Conference in 2021. We would love to share photos, videos and stories of church baptisms and confirmations, if permitted by the families involved, as part of our celebration at Annual Conference and throughout the year.

If you have or can obtain photos or videos of baptisms or confirmations performed by your church, please share them with us. Send them to our NEWSpirit Communications office at communications@epaumc.org. Photos of confirmation classes on Zoom are welcome, too.
A selection of submitted baptism and confirmation photos and video scenes received by April 5 may be used in our Connectional Ministries video report to Annual Conference on May 21. Others may be used throughout 2021 in ongoing promotion of our theme “Come to the Water.”
“Here in the Eastern PA Conference, we want to celebrate with every child, youth or adult who is baptized or confirmed,” says the Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Director of Connectional Ministries. “We want to remind these individuals that they have a wide family of faith that extends even beyond their local church.”
“When I was serving as a chaplain,” she recalls, “I remember a song would ring in the halls of the hospital every time a baby was born. The whole hospital would hush in wonder and joy. I believe that same joyful chorus exults in Heaven when an individual is baptized or confirmed. I want the Eastern PA Conference to rejoice together when baptisms and confirmations are happening in our local churches.”
We hope you will join us in this effort and help us to celebrate local church baptisms and confirmations at Annual Conference and throughout this year. Thank you!