Please send us your church’s livestream or videoconferencing worship information, so we can add it to our roster.
Linwood Heights United Methodist Church @ 10:45 AM Sunday
Via facebook: Linwood Heights United Methodist Church
FB Link also available via:
Pastor Ethel F. Guy
Phone: 610-485-2300
Address: 1627 Chichester Ave., Linwood, PA 19061
Tabor United Methodist Church @ 8am and 10:45 AM Sunday
Listen online at – link at bottom of homepage
To listen to previous Services, create an account at
Pastor Bob Amundsen
Phone: 215-234-4852
Address: PO Box 38, 2209 Hendricks Station Road, Woxall, PA 18979
Evangelical United Methodist Church (New Holland) @ 10:00 AM Sunday
Facebook live-stream via:
Pastor Rob Stippich
Phone: 717-354-2334
Address: 276 W Main Street, New Holland, Pennsylvania
West Chester United Methodist Church @ 8:45 AM Sunday
Live-stream at — services then archived in YouTube
Phone: 610-692-5190
Address: 129 South High Street, West Chester, PA 19382
Asbury United Methodist Church @ 10:00 AM Sunday|
Live-stream at
Senior Pastor Rev. Eric Yeakel
Pastor of Discipleship Rev. Barbara Lee
Phone: 610-398-2577
Address: 1533 Springhouse Rd., Allentown, PA, 18104
Hope United Methodist Church (Douglasville) @ 10:00 AM Sunday
*Intend to do Facebook Live – However, expect server to be overwhelmed *
So additionally working with Twitch (game-streaming site) — Expect an advertisement (usually a game at start of each stream)
Expect quality and reliability should be much better
Pastor Lou Hornberger
Phone: 610.385.7141
Address: 117 N Monocacy Creek Rd Douglassville PA 19518
New Hanover United Methodist Church @ 9 AM Sunday
Via Facebook: New Hanover United Methodist Church
Website: (Click on Live Stream Tab)
YouTube: New Hanover United Methodist Church (All past recorded services are available on our YouTube channel)
Pastor Jose “Ricky” Ayala
Phone: 610-323-2353
Address: 2211 Swamp Pike, Gilbertsville, PA 19525
McMichaels UMC @ 9:30 AM
McMichaels UMC has been doing worship on their Facebook page since March 2020. Pastor Edward Unangst does the message, along with joys and concerns and prayers online.
During Easter Sunday he lead the audience in a Love feast for communion. Parishioner Ryan Hinton gave a wonderful children’s message on the butterfly and new birth that was entertaining to all listening on Zoom. It was fed into the Facebook page. Musician Dennis Maida led song for all to sing along at the end of the worship via Zoom that was fed into the Facebook page.
It is wonderful to see how many come in to watch and listen to the message and the pastor has noticed several old members returning to the church and also members who have moved away. With the help of his daughter, Kelly Unangst who videos this on Sunday at 9:30 am, he hopes to reach new people weekly.
View the worship services on Facebook: