Many EPA congregations are planning or already hosting Vacation Bible School gatherings. They are turning up the excitement meter probably inside and outside their church buildings, and enlisting youth and adult volunteers to help offer children plenty of fun, food and festivities, along with faith formation lessons drawn from various offered VBS themes.
“Monumental! Celebrating God’s Goodness,” “Food Truck Party: On a Roll with God” and “Make Waves: What You Do Today Can Change the World Around You” are three popular themes with art and activity packages that churches are choosing for their summer VBS 2022 events.
At West Lawn UMC, in the Reading area, have used “Monumental” for their VBS this week, June 6-9. Children ventured through the colorful canyons and sunbaked trails of America’s Southwest, exploring God’s awesome creation and “forming a rock-solid faith for the road ahead.” Memorable Bible-learning activities, catchy songs, team-building games, yummy treats, and geeky science gizmos to take home were some of the adventures they enjoyed, according to Kelly Rismiller, who directs Children’s and Family Ministry at West Lawn.
Throughout the entire week, the kids have also joined in a mission to help other children in Berks County. Each night, they arrive at VBS with collected school supplies, children’s underwear, first aid and personal sanitization supplies, and monetary gifts to donate to a local elementary school.
What’s your church doing for VBS to bring learning, love and laughter to children? Please send us information and photos to feature on our conference website this summer. Contact us at communications@epaumc.church or use our Submit News page