Sep 19, 2023

EPA’s Board of Ordained Ministry will again offer its study of the sacrament of Baptism this fall. By Water & the Spirit: Theology & Practice of Baptism will be presented via Zoom on two Saturdays, October 28 and November 11, at 9:00-11:30 a.m.

The registration deadline is October 17. 0.6 CEUs will be offered to those who complete both sessions of this course. Zoom links will be sent to registrants.

Baptism is at the core of who we are as Christians — but how well do we truly understand this sacrament? Those of us who serve in church leadership often face practical questions with deep theological roots.

Why do we baptize? What happens in baptism? Why do we baptize infants? What do we mean when we say “remember your baptism” — especially if baptized as an infant? Why don’t we re-baptize? Why don’t we do private baptisms?

By getting to the theological heart of baptism, we as church leaders can offer better and more meaningful answers to these questions that so often arise from the pews. This Zoom-based study is designed to help all church leaders—particularly, licensed local pastors and lay-supply pastors—to wrestle with this theological foundation of baptism.

To participate, individuals should read Gayle Carlton Felton’s By Water and the Spirit (available for $7.29 at, and prepare to share questions in the Zoom gathering. We especially welcome real-world questions that begin, “What do I say when a person from my church

Study leaders are the Rev. Gary Knerr, pastor of Thorndale UMC, and the Rev. Candy LaBar. Knerr, a graduate of Albright College and Princeton Theological Seminary, has served churches since 1985 and has chaired the Board of Ordained Ministry. LaBar is the pastor of Wesley UMC in Bethlehem and the chair of the North District Committee on Ministry. She has a deep interest in sacramental theology and liturgy writing.
