Nearly 200 people attended 22 classes at the South-East Region’s Tools for Ministry at Palmer Seminary at Eastern University Saturday, March 4. Many showed visible appreciation for a half-day of lively learning and face-to-face fellowship. It was the first onsite, non-Zoom Tools gathering in three years, since March 2020, and the first ever hosted together by two districts.
For this Saturday’s North District Tools for Ministry, March 11, pre-registration closed Tuesday. But you can still get in on the fun and fellowship—and of course, the learning. Just come to Asbury UMC in Allentown, at 8:30 a.m., and pay $10. The two class sessions will last till noon, following a light breakfast and brief welcome. Download the brochure of workshop descriptions.
Come learn all about: Team Ministry—An Alternative to Church Committees; Effective Children’s and Family Ministries in a Post Pandemic World; Jesus Loves the Little Churches; Technology and the Church; Encountering God: Reclaiming a Contemplative Approach to Ministry; and important learning for church trustees and Staff-Parish Relations Committees.
Also, register for the West District Tools for Ministry, March 18, 8:30 to 11:45 a.m., at Church of the Good Shepherd UMC, Lebanon. Two class sessions will offer wisdom about: handling trauma, grief and loss; building ministries with youth, young adults and older adults; prison ministry and prison transformation; creating worship and relationships beyond your church’s walls; legacy giving and endowments; and much more. Learn more and register.
Also, the district will offer four classes related to ending the sin of racism, a perfect opportunity for church leaders to embark on A Path Toward Wholeness. Members of EPA’s CoNAM (Committee on Native American Ministries) are teaching the class “Creating the Land Acknowledgement and Why It Matters” at all three Tools events.