The 2022 Annual Conference, May 20-21, will again receive offerings to provide crucial support to conference youth and young adult ministries and scholarships for higher education—both undergraduate and seminary.
While the Annual Conference will take place online for a third year due to the lingering COVID pandemic, there are again opportunities to give to these offerings easily by cell phone texting, postal mail and online use of the conference website. Gifts may be made before, during and after the Annual Conference session.
Use Text-to-Give:
Text your donation amount first, followed by the offering code, to 610-463-0244.
Ord – Ordination Service Offering
Sch – EPA Scholarships
YYA – Youth & Young Adult Ministries
For example, to give $50 to the: Ordination Service offering, text “50” followed by “Ord” to 610-463-0244 (do not use quote marks) so that your text appears as follows: 50 Ord
Send offerings by mail:
Make checks payable to “Eastern PA Conference,” indicate the selected offering in the memo space, and then mail checks to: Eastern PA Conference, Attn: Accounting, PO Box 820, Valley Forge, PA 19482.
Give through our website:
Go to our Online Giving Page for Participating Churches and Conference Offerings
Enter a donation amount and giving frequency; then click the “Continue” button. On the Giving Information page use the “Fund or Local Church” drop-down menu to select one of the three “AC” offerings.
Three Offerings or Giving Opportunities
Higher Education Scholarships Offering:
EPA awards scholarships annually to United Methodist undergraduate college and university students. Scholarships are funded by annual conference offerings and other donations made to support higher education opportunities for member students. In 2021, through the EPA scholarship program, 28 students received $43,500. Through your giving the EPA scholarship program will continue to raise up leaders to serve our churches and wider community.
Youth & Young Adults Offering:
EPA’s youth and young adult ministry encourages and empowers young people to lead in their churches, their communities, their district and the Annual Conference. EPA’s youth and young adult ministry continues to grow. This past year, we held our first black and brown youth retreat. The Wesley Foundation at Drexel University fed over 40 students weekly through the pandemic. EPA is partnering with GNJ this fall to attend Ignite youth conference. Through your giving, you are making a commitment to our youth and young adults and reminding them that they are the present and future of our church.
Service of Ordination & Commissioning Offering
The EPA Conference Board of Ordained Ministry provides scholarships to active clergy of the conference to help defray costs for seminary education and continuing education, including post-master’s degree programs. To learn more visit the BOOM web page on Financial Support for Clergy.