Members of the West Lebanon Mission Link receive a Herbert E. Palmer Urban Ministry Award for their collaborative food pantry ministry that also received an Urban Commission grant. Presenting the award to the Rev. Bruny Martinez (center) were (from left) the Revs. David Eckert and Myra Maxwell, who co-chair the commission. To Martinez’ left are ministry partners Isaias “Jesse” Davila, the Rev. Jeff Kapp and Bob Howard.
The Revs. Myra Maxwell and David Eckert (kneeling) presented Herbert E. Palmer Urban Ministry Awards to (from left): the Rev. Jose “Ricky” Ayala and Gil Vining form New Hanover UMC Gilbertsville; the Rev. John Lewis and Lewis Wilford of Grace Community UMC Chester; Rev. Bruny Martinez and Isaias “Jesse” Davila (back) of the West Lebanon Mission Link (WLML); the Rev. Joseph Paul Grasser of Christ UMC Easton; and the Rev. Jeff Kapp and Bob Howard of the WLML.