BackgroundName of ApplicantPhoneEmail Theological Education (School & degree)Other degrees (if applicable)DenominationOrdination Process(Required)YesNoIf yes, what step of processState, Country or Annual Conference where you are pursuing ordinationTheological Stance (conservative, progressive, evangelical, etc)What is your current status?US CitizenUS Permanent ResidentOtherExperienceList any previous related job experience, particularly in church ministry, non-profit management, organizational leadership, and social advocacy. Please also list any other experiences that you think equips you for appointment in GNJ.What are 3 top strengths that you would bring to the Mosaic program?What are 3 growing areas that you would like to gain experience in as part of the Mosaic program?What are 3 growing areas that you would like to gain experience in as part of the Mosaic program?Why do you want to serve in GNJ?What Mosaic Ministries TRACK are you most interested in exploring and why?ReferencesPlease list 3 references below. Please include at least ONE professional reference.NameRelationshipPhoneEmail NameRelationshipPhoneEmail NameRelationshipPhoneEmail Mosaic MinistriesMosaic Seminary Residency & CohortMosaic Ministries Church Placement ApplicationMosaic Ministries Student Appointment ApplicationCultivate2025 Cultivate High School & College Internship ApplicationRev. Kate MonahanAssociate SuperintendentDirector of Mosaic Ministries for EPA&GNJEmail: