Continuing education is to further develop the knowledge and skills of clergy for ministry. All active clergy (elders, deacons, local pastors, commissioned, etc.), who are members of and/or serving within the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, are expected to acquire four Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) within each quadrennium. No one event may count for more than two CEU’s toward the required four within a quadrennium.
One CEU is accrued for 10 contact hours of continuing education (a contact hour is actual time spent in a workshop, lecture or group session). It does not include lunches, breaks or recreational activities. For activities less than 10 hours, we offer .1 CEU's per contact hour.
Click here for a list of all upcoming BOOM events
Individuals Requesting Continuing Education Units
Individuals who attend events that do not offer CEU’s and would like to request CEU credits may contact: Nina Patton-Semerod at
If granted, the Board of Ordained Ministry will issue a certificate. The following information about the event is to be included with the request (one page is sufficient,)
- Name, address, phone number and email address of the person making the request
- Relationship to the Annual Conference (elder, deacon, local pastor, commissioned etc.)
- Location and Date of Event
- Sponsoring Organization, Leadership, and/or Instructors
- Number of contact hours (number of hours for lectures and workshops, not including breaks or lunches)
- Purpose & Content. In what ways will the information be used in the practice of ministry in the present appointment or in preparation for a future appointment.