Apr 03, 2019

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Coordinator
Chairperson: Russell J. Atkinson

Report submitted by: Russell J. Atkinson
Email: ratkinson@epaumc.org
Phone: (610) 675-7187
Date submitted: 04/02/2019

Recent Events & Activities

Occasional mass emails concerning VIM initiatives  have been sent to a growing list of interested parties in the conference.

I met with Ben Botti concerning the Mid-Town Parish project. Ben was able to offer me a comprehensive brief of the challenges and obstacles to the project and provide me with the names and contacts of important individuals who had been working on this.

I met with incoming appointed pastor, Will Bowner, who reports having taken significantly more possession of the project than had previously been the case. We developed a simple plan for inviting VIM teams to take part in the continuing work. This however, will require some further development. By summer, the project will be able to recieve UMVIM teams.

Lead a UMVIM Training at St. Paul’s:Elizabethtown, 16 March

Attended ERT program at Asbury:Allentown as a student, 30 March

Attended NEJ Mission Academy, North Andover, MA, 1-4 April

Upcoming Events & Activities

Preparing for Annual Conference in June with ERT/UMVIM display.

In discussions regarding possible trajectories resulting from GC2019 as the impact is felt in UMVIM.