At least five Eastern PA Conference congregations are supporting a new advocacy campaign calling for valid Pennsylvania driver’s licenses to be made available to undocumented immigrants. That humanitarian campaign for some includes a 40-day vigil of prayer and fasting. House …

Celebrando Nuestra Hispanidad*
By the Rev. Lilian “Luky” Cotto, Eastern PA Conference Coordinator of Latino Ministries** As a Guatemalan native, I rejoice in sharing a little about the great annual celebration of our Hispanic Heritage. It begins on Sept. 15, the Independence Day …

Bishop urges support for welcoming refugees in 2021
Bishop Minerva Carcaño, leader of the California Nevada Conference and Chairwomen of the UM Council of Bishops’ Immigration Task Force, has sent a letter to her fellow bishops appealing for advocacy on behalf of refugees needing to be resettled in …

Meet our missionaries through virtual visits on Zoom
Meet Luky Cotto and other missionaries supported by our conference The Eastern PA Conference has one UMC Board of Global Ministries missionary working here; and we can get to know her better through a virtual visit with her on Thursday, …

Racial groups speak out against racist oppression, violence
Three racial groups in the Eastern PA Conference have released anti-racism advocacy statements calling for an end to systemic oppression and violence against Black U.S. citizens, especially by police officers. The statements—by Philadelphia Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR), the Latino Commission and the Whites …
Latino Commission Letter to BMCR Familia en Cristo
The Latino Commission’s June 17 letter laments “the tragic and senseless murders” of the most recent victims of racial violence against Black citizens. Their letter names “our brothers George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, our sister Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks,” citing “the reality …
Lo que necesita saber sobre la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
Lo que necesita saber sobre la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
Haciendo justicia, amando la misericordia para nuestros vecinos
Por John W. Coleman Cuando “Mariana” de 6 años vino de Guatemala con su tía y primo este año para encontrarse con su mamá en Warrington, Pa., fue separada por funcionarios de Inmigración y Aduana (ICE) en el borde suroeste …
Camina en la Luz por Bishop Peggy A. Johnson
NEWSpirit se publica periódicamente por las Comunicaciones NEWSpirit de la Conferencia del Este de PA para informar a sus miembros e iglesias sobre ministerios que manifiestan el testimonio espiritual y social de las personas llamadas Metodistas. También nuestras otras publicaciones: …
Doing justice, loving mercy for our neighbors
By John W. Coleman Spanish translation: Haciendo justicia, amando la misericordia para nuestros vecinos When 6-year-old “Mariana” came from Guatemala with her aunt and cousin this year to join her mother in Warrington, Pa., she got separated by Immigration and …