Mission as the Compass for Making Appointments
- A clear mission objective will guide appointment discernment. The primary criterion for making appointments is the question, “Will this appointment further the mission objective?”
- Appointment Mission Objective: Maximize making disciples of Jesus Christ, growing healthy vital congregations and transforming communities and the world.
- New Disciples of Jesus Christ – Will this appointment increase the number of new people entering into a relationship with God by following the life and teaching of Jesus Christ?
- Healthy Congregations – Will this appointment grow the health and sustainability of the congregation? Sustainability is a measure of: Are there enough people to carry out the mission; is there sufficient leadership to lead the growth and development of the congregation; and are there sufficient funds for the ministry including property maintenance, apportionments and billings for benefits and property insurance?
- Congregational vitality – Will this appointment grow vitality? A vital congregation engages its people in five areas for fruitful ministry.
- Worship that inspires people to put God first in their lives and deepen their faith.
- Small groups that connect people to one another, deepen both understanding and the practice of following Christ, and engage people in hands on mission.
- Mission that engages people in the community through ministries of mercy and justice.
- Formation of new disciples.
- Generosity that extends the mission of the congregation into the community and around the world.
- Transforming the community and world – The congregation’s ministry is changing lives and changing the community into God’s vision for the world.
Here I am, send me.