May 2020 EPA Financial Update

Connectional Ministries Fund Church giving for the Connectional Ministries Fund (CMF) was $1,171,627 through May 2020. Local church giving to CMF was $80 thousand less than budget and $224 thousand less than May 2019.  The Annual Conference was approved for …


MARCHA se solidariza con el movimiento Black Lives Matter en protesta en todo el mundo por las formas viciosas en que los miembros de la policía han tratado, herido y asesinado a las personas negras, y la aparente inmunidad que …

NEJ, UMC bishops respond to crisis, pledging to oppose racism

Bishops of both The United Methodist Church and its Northeastern Jurisdiction have issued statements pledging—and calling on United Methodists to pledge—solidarity with others protesting systemic racism and racial violence committed by police and others against Black people. The Northeastern Jurisdiction …

Aprendiendo de Noé mientras re-abrimos nuestros edificios

Mientras nos preparamos para el proceso lento y cauteloso de reabrir nuestras iglesias después de muchas semanas de reclusión, podemos encontrar algunos consejos útiles en la Palabra de Dios tomada de Génesis 6-9, el relato de Noé y el arca. …

New DSs get a preview of the work they will begin July 1

The Society for Human Resource Management defines onboarding as any process designed to “help new hires adjust to the social and performance aspects of their jobs so they can quickly become productive, contributing members of the organization.” Bishop Peggy Johnson …

Changes happening in conference office and staff

The Eastern PA Conference office and staff are both undergoing changes. All district offices will move into the Conference office in July—a move that was planned before the COVID-19 pandemic. Major renovations are being completed, including the addition and rearranging …