As we prepare for the slow, cautious process of reopening our churches after these many weeks of seclusion, we can find some helpful advice from the Word of God taken from Genesis 6-9, the account of Noah and the ark…

‘Go-Sow-Lo’: Sermon for Trinity Sunday
Bishop Peggy Johnson: Jesus’ Great Commission means making disciples is the main goal of the church. It is what we should always be doing and never get distracted. Watch the video.

The Uncertain Devotion
Uncertainty is part of life. It can be the cause of our fears, worries and concerns. It is a principle in science that challenges us to explain how the universe and our bodies work. It is a principle…

Getting back to spiritual basics
When life gets chaotic, we all know that getting back to basics is important. We try to get more sleep, eat healthy food, remember to take our vitamins, get some exercise, go outside every day. Maybe we spend time with family and friends, count our blessings…

Listen to Your Mother
Growing up I would hear these words: “listen to your mother.” Listen usually meant “obey,” and if things were going to go well for me that was usually the best plan of action. For this Mother’s Day I would say that the “Mother of Methodism,” Susanna Wesley has a few words to say to us…

Building New Routines
A letter from the Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, General Secretary of the General Board of Church and Society: In this time of social distancing, do you find yourself missing routines? I miss going to the office each morning, seeing colleagues, and weekly rituals like worship and sharing meals with good friends…

Praying Mantis
They greet me at the back door of my house on summer days, these long, green insects that appear to be in a posture of prayer. Commonly known as “praying mantis,” these pre-historic, dinosaur-looking bugs are known to “eat almost anything…

Unprecedented Easter?
An angel of the Lord descended from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. – Matthew 28:20
Of all the gospel’s scenes depicting Easter’s empty tomb, this one is my favorite. Dawn. The two Marys, their eyes mistier than the early morning…

Doing ministry in the midst of coronavirus
Behold, I am doing a new thing;now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wildernessand rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 (ESV). Are you doing a new thing? Is your church making a way…

‘God’s Microphone’
In Remembrance of Bishop Oscar Romero
I have always bristled when a preacher or a workshop leader, who has access to a microphone, says something like “You can hear me, can’t you? I don’t like using microphones.” No one seems to object, and they proceed to put aside the sound system to the detriment of someone…