Dec 11, 2023 | John W. Coleman

No doubt many prayers will abound to seek blessings during this Advent and Christmas season and into the new year. So will New Year’s resolutions. Why not combine the two by making (and keeping) a resolution to join a weekly prayer group in 2024?

The Eastern PA Conference has an ideal one for you: a faithful group that meets casually online via Zoom every Tuesday at noon for just a half-hour. Members from across the conference join one another to share brief reports and reflections on various prayer concerns—joys, sorrows and challenges—enhancing them with encouraging words of comfort and meditations that may include Scriptures, poetry or music.

The weekly, half-hour prayer meetings began in April 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was growing. And they have continued since, led by the Rev. David Piltz, who started them.

“Life can be frenetic, with so many things to do and not enough time to do them,” says Piltz. “But Jesus teaches us not just to rest but to rest and pray with one another regularly, seeking comfort and direction from God, which may even come through others.

“This weekly half-hour of intentional, communal prayer is healing and hopeful for us. So, come join us. And if God nudges you to lead a session, you can do that also. Prayer leaders are always welcome.” 

You can find the link on the EPA website calendar weekly on Tuesdays.  Learn more.