Spotlight, as a verb, means to illuminate and thus, direct attention to a subject of importance. That is what the Eastern PA Conference’s new online learning management system (LMS) seeks to do in our quest to serve churches, develop leaders and help make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
By offering valuable teaching and training programs via recorded video, we are shining spotlights on various topics that are important to discipleship and leadership development. Video-based, online learning is not new; but it has grown in necessity, availability and capability since the Covid pandemic required social distancing and an alternative to public gatherings.
Now, through a partnership with the West Virginia Conference and its United Methodist Foundation, we are excited to provide many effective e-Learning opportunities through Spotlight. We join the Illinois Great Rivers Conference in this partnership.
Teaching and tracking your online learning progress
But this new initiative offers much more than just online instruction and learning. It also aids and tracks students’ progress in registering for and completing courses that may lead to certification. At the completion of many courses, students will receive certificates, which are worth one Contact Hour each. (Ten contact hours = One CEU.)
We invite you to take a look and get started with Spotlight today. Just visit the login/sign-up page at epaumc.myabsorb.com. Watch the Spotlight instructional video, and view the catalog of available video courses. Then enroll in your first course. You’ll find a growing number of interesting, helpful offerings, including the recently added Safe Sanctuaries Basics course, plus others from online Tools for Ministry classes and more. See a sample list below.
Tell us what you think, and tell others about Spotlight
We hope you will enjoy and benefit from Spotlight. Please tell us what you think of it, and please tell others about it. We will continue to develop and improve its features and functions and increase the valuable learning opportunities that can benefit our churches in their disciple-making and leadership development endeavors.
Remember, we add new video-recorded courses and programs as soon as they are prepared. So, we suggest you revisit Spotlight frequently—perhaps biweekly—so you can see and share our latest learning opportunities.
Sample list of courses:
Safe Sanctuaries, Gifts of the Spirit, Doing Church Differently, Crossing Cultures, Children’s Faith Formation, and courses for Trustees, Staff-Parish Relations Committees and other leadership roles
How to Sign Up:
If this is your first time accessing Spotlight, please follow the instructions below:
- Follow this link to: epaumc.myabsorb.com
- Click “Sign Up” on the right-hand side of the page.
- Fill in all of the information on the registration page.
- Click “Sign Up” at the bottom of that page.
- From your dashboard, you can choose “catalog” to see what courses are available.
- Choose a course and click “enroll” to start your journey!