The Eastern PA Conference’s next Local Pastor Licensing School begins Oct. 1-2 and will run for eight weeks total but with two intervening weeks off for completion of assignments. That means six weekends of online class attendance, again via Zoom.
The total cost has been reduced from $1,100 to $800 to make it more affordable and to reflect cost savings. There is a $300 non-refundable deposit due at registration, and the remaining balance must be paid by the end of the program.
The first 2021 session of the newly designed school—historic in its use of video-conferencing and offering faster completion of classes— ran from Jan. 15 to Feb. 28 and graduated 15 students. Certificates of completion are being prepared now to award to graduates of both 2021 classes.
The Rev. Dan Lebo, Dean of the Licensing School for education and preparation of Local Pastors, wants to offer the courses twice a year, based on student interest and availability of faculty. Persons from other conferences are welcome to attend. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and convenience, all 2021 classes are meeting via Zoom.
Below is the Fall 2021 schedule that includes clergy-taught classes in: Educational Ministries; Mission and Evangelism; Pastoral Care; UM Tradition; Leadership and Administration; Spiritual Direction; and Preaching: Public Worship and Liturgy.
Online registration is open now until Sept. 20.
Fall 2021 Local Pastor Licensing School Schedule
Weeks 1 and 2 (October 1st-2nd and 8th- 9th):
Rev. Dr. Michael Roberts (Educational Ministries; Mission and Evangelism) and Rev. Dr. Truman Brooks (Pastoral Care)
Week 3 : Off
Weeks 4 and 5 (October 22nd-23rd and 29th-30):
Rev. Dr. Jim Todd (UM Tradition; Leadership and Administration) and Rev. Dr. Truman Brooks (Spiritual Direction)
Week 6: Off
Weeks 7 and 8 (November 12th-13th and 19th-20th):
Rev. Dr. Suzanne Duchesne (Preaching: Public Worship and Liturgy)