“2020 Vision,” from “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7), is the theme for the next Eastern PA Conference Youth Rally, to be held on Saturday, March 28, from 10 AM to 4 PM, at Quakertown UMC. Registration onsite begins at 9 AM. Register online now!
The Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM) is busy planning the annual event and will focus its “2020 Vision” on the lifechanging power of forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration.
There will be compelling messages by relevant speakers, inspirational music by contemporary Christian bands, and possibly an upbeat, engaging dance lesson and performance. In addition, the youth will enjoy spiritually uplifting worship with a prayer altar-call, games, food and plenty of fellowship opportunities.
The Rev. David Piltz is Coordinator of Conference Youth & Young Adult Ministries. Jezerel Gutierrez is Associate Coordinator.
At a recent planning meeting CCYM youth and adults used video-aided dialogue to help members understand and celebrate the value and challenges of racial-ethnic diversity, part of its commitment to the conference’s Call to Action Initiative.