We have received word that Doris Arlene Pottieger, surviving spouse of the Rev. Cecil P.E. Pottieger, passed away on January 18, 2019 at age 90. Rev. Pottieger served the following churches and extension ministries prior to retiring in 1990: New …
The Rev. Lewis Elbert Wethington
We have received word of the death of The Rev. Lewis Elbert Wethington, aged 96, who passed away on March 3, 2019. Rev. Wethington was a retired full member of Eastern PA Conference. His Extension Ministry Service Record is as …
The Rev. William Staton Jr.
We have received word of the death of The Rev. William Staton Jr., retired full member, who passed away on March 9, 2019. Rev. Staton Jr. served the following EPA Conference churches, prior to his retirement in 2004: Phila.: Peniel …
Mrs. Lois H. Sauer
We have learned that Mrs. Lois H Sauer, surviving spouse of Rev. Albert G. Sauer, passed away on February 22, 2019 at the age of 87. Rev. Albert G. Sauer served the following Eastern PA Conference churches: Tannersville Charge …
Mr. Tom Young
We have received notice that Tom Young, spouse of the Rev. Dr. Janice Young, passed away on February 12. Rev. Janice Young–retired, ordained Deacon of the Eastern PA Conference–served on Extension Ministry as Pastoral Counselor at Bethlehem Private Practice, until her …
Mrs. Marion L. High
We have been informed of the death of Mrs. Marion L. High, who passed away on February 12, 2019. She was the surviving spouse of The Rev. David G. High, retired full member of the Eastern PA Conference. Rev. High …
Mrs. Sara E. Norman
We have received word that Mrs. Sara E. Norman, surviving spouse of The Rev. Robert E. Norman, passed away on December 27, 2018, at age 85. The Rev. Robert E. Norman served the following Eastern PA Conference churches: Springfield: Covenant …
The Rev. Thomas W. Bare
We have received notice of the death of The Rev. Thomas W. Bare, a retired full member of the Eastern PA Conference. He passed away on Saturday, January 12, at the Cornwall Manor Health Center, at age 88. The Rev. Bare …
The Rev. Helen C. Fleming
Helen C. Fleming, a retired local pastor who served at Eastwick UMC in Philadelphia from 1996 to 2005, died Dec. 13. She was serving Mt. Vernon Place UMC Baltimore, Md. Fleming left Philadelphia in 2005 to join the Baltimore-Washington Conference …
Mrs. Nancy W. McEllhenney
Mrs. Nancy W. McEllhenney, wife of retired elder Rev. John G. McEllhenney, passed away on December 10, 2018. Rev. McEllhenney served the following Eastern PA Conference churches & Extension Ministries: Charlestown Allentown: Asbury Gladwyne Phila.: Advocate-St. Stephen’s Ardmore Acting Chief Exec. Off., Methodist …